You’re looking for a girlfriend. It’s exciting, nerve-wracking and full of surprises. But don’t worry! Here is your treasure map.
Confidence is the first thing you need to have. Consider it your secret weapon. Do not try to be Brad Pitt, just believe in you. Smile, walk tall and make eye contact. Remember the old saying? Fake it until you make it. Act as if everything is under control, even if your feet are shaking. How to get a girlfriend in school?

Let’s now talk about appearance. You don’t need designer clothes or six pack abs. Be clean and well-groomed. Shower regularly, use deodorant and dress well. You’re like a diamond that needs to be polished.
Next up: conversation skills. Imagine that you are at a party, not an interview with Love Inc.’s CEO. Ask her open-ended, honest questions and listen to what she says. Show that you are interested in what she has to say without making it an interrogation.
Humor is a powerful tool. Who doesn’t like to laugh? Avoid anything offensive or too risque. Save those jokes for later, when you’ve gotten to know her better.
You can meet potential girlfriends in social settings, such as parties, clubs or casual gatherings. Do not be the guy who sits in the corner all night nursing his drink. Instead, mingle. Start a conversation with someone you find interesting.
You can use online dating to your advantage. It’s like using dynamite for fishing compared with traditional methods. Write a compelling profile and choose good photos. Avoid bathroom selfies.
Let’s look at body language, the unsaid hero in attraction games. Respect her personal space and lean in slightly when you talk to her. Mirroring her actions will also show connection.
The tricky part is reading signals. You can tell if she’s a green light if she laughs, even at bad jokes. She may also maintain eye contact for longer than normal or find excuses to lightly touch you.
Beware, the road is not always smooth sailing. Sometimes rejection occurs despite your best efforts. That’s okay! Each ‘no,’ leads to a closer ‘yes.’ Instead of dwelling on your failures, learn from every experience.
Keep some cards hidden in the beginning to build intrigue, and then slowly reveal layers of character over time.
Shared interests are a solid foundation for relationships. Sports, music, books or movies – whatever you both like to do – can be a great way to bond.
Remember patience. A great relationship doesn’t happen overnight. It takes time to grow and flourish.
There you go, fellow adventurer! Armed with knowledge and ready to embark on a quest for true love fortune favors bold happy hunting there matey. May winds favor sails safely guide shores romance in abundance ahead.